Topper’s Mountain 2013 Gewürztraminer

Wednesday Wine Pick, Christine Salins Wine Reviews.Wine Glass Green
2013 Topper’s Mountain 2013 Gewürztraminer, $35

Spicy Asian food and a beautifully made Gewürztraminer with just the tiniest amount of residual sugar is, in my humble opinion, a top match. So when we dined at a lovely new restaurant serving modern Thai food, we opened this wine from one of Australia’s lesser-known regions. The vineyards in the New England Tablelands region of northern New South Wales are just starting to come into their own – Topper’s Mountain is at 900 metres and enjoys a long cool ripening season that produces elegant results. The Gewürztraminer was everything we expected it to be and more – silky smooth with lychee and Turkish Delight notes, fresh and lively with a nice tingling of acid, all of which did a beautiful dance with the robust Thai flavours. The wine has been named best of the New England Wine Show for two years running, and it’s not hard to see why.

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  1. says: MarkK

    Thanks for your review Christine. Australian wine consumers have been slow to realise how well Gewurz fits with SE Asian food – fantastic! Gewurz has been our most consistent performing variety & it really needs a cool-climate. Over the years there has been too much Gewurz grown in warmer climates in Australia & the reputation of the variety has suffered as a result, but we’re doing our bit to revive it! Rgds, Mark Kirkby – Topper’s Mountain Wines.

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