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You’re not going to believe this but let me make it clear from the beginning that the following story is absolutely true.
I’ve been staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel overlooking Waikiki Beach, and last night I was heading back to my room from the Regency Club on the 3rd floor when I had to do a double take.
For there was a cow being herded through the hotel. That’s right folks …. A cow!
The 3rd floor is not at ground level and the only way I can see to reach it is via an escalator, surely not the easiest thing to navigate with a cow in tow.
The logistics are mind-boggling but even more curious is … what the hell was the cow doing there? Perhaps it was for a photo shoot? Maybe it was someone’s pet? (I once saw some guests with a very big dog in a hotel in Canada and thought that was strange enough!)
The most plausible explanation, surely, is that it was headed for the dinner table. It was herded through some “staff only” doors adjacent to the restaurant, which I’m guessing led to the kitchen. Paddock to plate in the truest sense of the word perhaps?
Anyway, the poor soul must have sensed what terrible fate was in store because it did the hugest, smelliest crap all over the floor in the lift lobby before it was pushed out of sight of guests. That certainly sent the staff into overdrive and I didn’t want to be hanging around, so I didn’t get to ask what it was all about.
But when I checked out this morning, I asked the receptionist for an explanation and she couldn’t tell me. She was as incredulous as I was and probably thought she had misunderstood my accent or that I’d forgotten to take my pills.
Unfortunately it happened all too quickly for me to be able to take a photo, so you’ll have to settle for this view from my hotel room on the 21st floor. You’ll just have to take my word for it that it really did happen!
And if anyone knows why a cow was being led through a 5-star hotel in Honolulu, I’d love to hear from you.
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