Chinese Tribute Gardens, Young


Ducks skimmed the water, kookaburras laughed and a willy wagtail was doing what willy wagtails do when we visited the Chinese Tribute Gardens in Young, New South Wales.

The entrance to the gardens is guarded by two marble lion sculptures that were familiar to me as they were once the gateway to the panda exhibition which I visited at Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney in the late 80s.

The zoo donated the lions to the Rotary Club of Young when it began its beautification project at Chinaman’s Dam in 1992. Rotary handed the project over to the Young Shire Council in 1996.


The dam was built in the 1860s by a couple of German men to provide water for the sluicing of their gold claims. They later sold it to some Chinese miners. As you’d know if you’ve been following my other posts on Young, the town has had a long association (and not always a happy one) with the Chinese.

In the 1860s, the goldfields around here were the site of the infamous Lambing Flat riots that played a pivotal role in Australian history, the anti-Chinese dissent eventually leading to the White Australia Policy that lasted until 1973.

Chinese Tribute Garden Gate

Today, Young enjoys a sister city relationship with the Chinese city of Lanzhou and the contribution of the Chinese community in the settlement of Young is recognized in these beautiful gardens.


A Peace and Prosperity tree commemorating the sister city relationship is one of the features in the garden, alongside the Pool of Tranquility (a lovely serene spot, as the name implies), a magnificent bronze galloping horse, rock formations and plants that put on a glorious show as they change with the seasons.

Pink Flowers

White Flowers

The recreation reserve adjacent to the gardens is a great spot for a picnic, with barbecue facilities provided.


Where? The Lambing Flat Chinese Tribute Gardens are located at the Chinaman’s Dam reserve, four kilometres from the centre of Young, NSW, Australia.

When? Every day until sunset.


Related posts: Young, NSW; National Cherry Festival; Street Parade; Ballinaclash OrchardPoppa’s Fudge and Jam Factory; Adriana’s Apple SliceOld Schoolhouse CaféHilltops Wine;

Check out some great cherry recipes at A Table Full Of Cherries.

Black Swans

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