In My Kitchen – April 2013

Jordan ceramics and Dead Sea salt

In My Kitchen this month are more souvenirs of my travels – a gorgeous ceramic dish from Jordan (so cheap!) and salt from the Dead Sea.

Dionysus Olive OilIt’s been a great pleasure to try the latest release of Dionysus Extra Virgin Kalamata Olive Oils.

Dennis Gizas makes oil in Greece from an olive grove that his family has harvested for more than 350 years.

It’s been a challenging season, apparently, with much lower yields. Unfortunately Dennis was unable to get over to Greece for the latest harvest, instead relying on his father to oversee production.

But while the quantity might be down, the quality isn’t. The Robust and Delicate oils are outstanding and I’m very happy to have them in my kitchen.

Eggplants and capsicum

The trip to Jordan has inspired me to play around with Middle Eastern flavours and it just so happens that I have the perfect ingredients on hand. The eggplants and peppers in my garden are loving every minute of autumn!

Umani paste bought in Granville Island market,Vancouver, CanadaI bought this tube of umani paste in the wonderful Granville Island market in Vancouver, Canada, and I’ve been experimenting with it on the eggplants.

You’ve probably heard of umani, a savoury meaty flavour that is one of the five basic tastes, but have you seen a product like this in Australia? I’d love to hear about it if you have.

Muscat grapes

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been cooking nourishing soups for my patient. He adores muscat grapes so they’ve been going into the market basket too.

Almond Breeze

In my kitchen this month is Almond Breeze, an almond milk drink that was launched in Australia last year.

New on the shelves is a low-fat, dairy-free chocolate version, made with all natural ingredients.

I’ve been meaning for ages to explore some dairy alternatives and I do like this one with its mellow flavour and health-giving qualities.

Almonds, of course, are a natural super-food.

Cocolat chocolate produced in South Australia

I’ve been naughty though too, and have been snacking on awesome chocolates from South Australian producer, Cocolat, a gift from friends. Life is sweet.

Visit Celia, at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial, who hosts this monthly In My Kitchen series, and meet food enthusiasts, cooks and bloggers from around the world. What’s in your kitchen this month?

8 replies on “In My Kitchen – April 2013”
  1. A delicious haul, Christine. The Dead Sea Salts and the little ceramic dish are wonderful. And look at those eggplants from your garden! I’ve finally convinced Peter that we should grow them… but he still won’t eat them, which is disappointing. He has turned around on figs though ; ) I first heard about umani when I had the cooking school. I think you can get it at Jones the Grocer. Those chokkies look yummy.

  2. Christine, jinx! The Dead Sea Salts are going to be in my next IMK post – Lorraine brought me a bag back from Jordan! I adore the ceramic plate too! Your chocolates look delicious, and hasn’t it been a wonderful season for eggplant! Loved peeking into your kitchen this month, thanks for sharing! xx

    1. says: Christine Salins

      Yes, Celia, we shopped at the same store in Jordan and made a beeline for the cooking salt. It has an intense flavour. Am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

  3. says: Vaishali

    Hi Christine, those are some delectable goodies in your kitchen. The ceramic plate is gorgeous. And although I have heard of the flavor umami, I didn’t know you could actually buy a paste.

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