Berry Hill and a recipe for Strawberries in Rosé Jelly, Food Wine Travel, Christine Salins, Maurie O’Connor, Beerenberg Family Farm, Beerenberg products, where to buy Beerenberg products, Paech family, Adelaide Hills, farm shop, farm shops in the Adelaide Hills, food in the Adelaide Hills, Grape & Jasmine Tea Jelly, Raspberry & Violet Jam, Apricot & Lavender Jam, Rose Petal Jelly, Berry Hill book, Bird in Hand wine,

The evolution of Beerenberg from a small family-owned company into a big family-owned company is recounted in Berry Hill, a cookbook cum memoir published by Wakefield Press.

Beerenberg founder Grant Paech made the first batch of strawberry jam using his mother’s pan and a recipe from the Green and Gold Cookery Book. It just goes to show what enterprise and hard work can bring., Food Wine Travel, Christine Salins, Maurie O’Connor, Beerenberg Family Farm, Beerenberg products, where to buy Beerenberg products, Paech family, Adelaide Hills, farm shop, farm shops in the Adelaide Hills, food in the Adelaide Hills, Grape & Jasmine Tea Jelly, Raspberry & Violet Jam, Apricot & Lavender Jam, Rose Petal Jelly, Berry Hill book, Bird in Hand wine,Today, the company’s chutneys and relishes, dressings and sauces, mustards, honey, jams and relishes can be found in 24 countries. Yet it is still deeply true to its South Australian roots and continues to make quality products at the Beerenberg Family Farm in the Adelaide Hills.

It’s an inspiring tale and we’ve had great fun dipping into the recipes, which include this simple, delicious – or should that be, simply delicious – dessert. Strawberries continue to be Beerenberg’s biggest crop and between November and April, you can pop into the farm to pick your own.

STRAWBERRIES IN ROSÉ JELLY, Food Wine Travel, Christine Salins, Maurie O’Connor, Beerenberg Family Farm, Beerenberg products, where to buy Beerenberg products, Paech family, Adelaide Hills, farm shop, farm shops in the Adelaide Hills, food in the Adelaide Hills, Grape & Jasmine Tea Jelly, Raspberry & Violet Jam, Apricot & Lavender Jam, Rose Petal Jelly, Berry Hill book, Bird in Hand wine,Serves 4

300 ml rosé
100 grams caster sugar
5 x 15 gram sheets leaf gelatine
300 grams strawberries (reserve 4 perfect strawberries with stem intact)
4 x 250 ml elegant glasses

Place the sugar and rosé in a saucepan over low heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Remove from the heat.
Place the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Squeeze dry, add to the rosé and stir to dissolve. Allow to cool.
Prepare the strawberries by cutting in half and arranging into selected glasses, reserving a strawberry for the top of each glass.
Gently pour the rosé into the glasses and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set.

Recipe from Berry Hill, published by Wakefield Press.

Related Posts: Picking Strawberries at Beerenberg Farm; Beerenberg Botanical range.

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