Dayboro Tea House

Dayboro Tea House Vertical

We had our eye on a couple of cafés in the main street of Dayboro before being drawn to the Dayboro Tea House – for coffee, not tea. It was such a cute little building with neat touches like stools perched at a counter running the length of the shop window.

Built about 1929, the shop had various incarnations before opening as the Tea House in 2014. It was a bakery, chemist, residence, bookmaker and coffee shop. Now it is squarely focused on providing terrific country hospitality, a great range of beverages and some excellent home cooking., Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel.

The organic coffee was very much to our liking but we could also have chosen from more than 50 teas. The High Teas held there sound like great fun. I can just picture what it must be like taking tea in the upstairs section, where a picture of Audrey Hepburn looms large over a Regency-style lounge., Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel.

We had a gargantuan morning tea at the Tourist Information Centre after doing the Dayboro Heritage Trail so we didn’t have room to try any of the Tea House’s food. But a quick look at its Facebook page reveals some cakes that look truly divine, including homemade carrot cake, and Violet Crumble cupcakes. Yum!, Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel.

The Tea House does breakfast, light lunches and occasional evening functions such as roast nights for $20 that sound like a bargain., Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel.

Quaint, gorgeous, eye-catching items are scattered around the place for sale, many of them crafted by local people. There are colourful tea cosies, handpainted cards, soy candles with aromas such as vanilla, lavender and lemongrass, and goats milk soaps in lemongrass, patchouli, milk honey and oats, to name a few. These were on the counter next to us as we drank our coffee, and were almost impossible to resist., Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel., Dayboro Day Festival, Dayboro Antiques & Collectables Fair, Dayboro Heritage Trail, Dayboro Historical Society, William Henry Day, Dayboro Tea House, Dayboro Butchery, Rendezvous, Our Kitchen Garden, Inspired by Time, A Little Bit Vintage, Holistic Mamma, Riek Brothers’ store, Robert Vellnagel’s House and Store, Crown Hotel.Fact File:

Dayboro Tea House
12 Williams Street.
Dayboro, Queensland, Australia
Tel: +61 7 3425 2952

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